Class Attendance System Using Face Recognition
17 Jul.2018
09:00 am
Class Attendance System Using Face Recognition

You are cordially invited to attend a professional development seminar on the topic "CLASS ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING FACE RECOGNITION" by Assistant Prof. Dr. RASHIDAH FUNKE OLANREWAJU, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


We are living in a world where everything is automated and online connected. The internet of thing, image processing, and machine learning are evolving day by day. Many systems have been completely changed due to this evolve to reach more accurate results. The attendance system is an example of that starting from the traditional signature on a paper sheet to face id recognition. This paper proposes a method of developing a comprehensive embedded class attendance system using facial recognition with controlling the door to access. The system is based on Raspberry Pi that runs Raspbian (LINUX) Operating System installed on micro SD card. The Raspberry Pi Camera, as well as a 5-inch screen, are connected to the Raspberry Pi. By facing the camera, the camera will capture the image then pass it to the Raspberry Pi which is programmed to handle the face recognition by implementing the Local Binary Patterns algorithm LBPs. If the student’s input image matches with the trained dataset image the prototype door will open using Servo Motor, then the attendance results will be stored in MySQL Database. The database is connected to Attendance Management System (AMS) web server which makes the attendance results reachable to any online connected web browser. The system has 95% accuracy with dataset of 11 people’s images.



LinkedIn: Dr. Rashidah Funke Olanrewaju

Brief Resume of the Speaker: Download Here