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  • Department of Chemical Engineering

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria

Department of Chemical Engineering

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria

Learning Objectives

Duration - 5 years

The objectives of the Department in line with the objectives of the University as articulated in Article 4 of its 1962 and 1975 Laws are:

  1. To provide regular and updated programs and courses in the field of Chemical Engineering of a standard required and expected of a Department and the University of the highest standing.
  2. To educate and equip students with the technical knowledge, skills and competencies to analyze, design, develop, test and produce Chemical Engineering products and services for the benfit of humanity.
  3. To promote research and the advancement in the field of Chemical Engineering (d) To secure the diffusion of Chemical Engineering knowledge throughout Nigeria and the world at large.

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Admission Requirement

In order to be eligible for admission into the undergraduate (B.Eng. degree) Programme, a candidate, in addition to satisfying the University general entry requirements, must obtain at least credit passes in each of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as well as any other science subjects at the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations or its equivalent. The current minimum requirements for admission into 100 level (UTME entry) and 200 level (Direct entry) in the Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering are as follows:

Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) Entry:

Applicants seeking JME entry must:
  • Have attained the age of sixteen years on the first day of October in the year of their candidature.
  • Possess the Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (GCE “O” Level) with passes at credit level in at least five subjects obtained at not more than two sittings and at least a credit in English Language. The five subjects should include Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. UTME subjects are: Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
  • Direct Entry:
    Applicants seeking direct entry should have:
    1. Five SSCE or GCE O' level credit passes including English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and any other science subject.
    2. GCE ‘A' level or IJMB passes or equivalent “A” level passes in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
    3. Candidates with Higher National Diploma (HND) may also be admitted into the 200 level with lower credit or 300 level with distinction or upper credit in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. Ordinary National Diploma (OND) candidates possessing overall upper credit pass with three distinctions passes in core courses of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering including Mathematics may be admitted into 200 level. In special cases, candidates with high grades in 'O' levels plus relevant advanced professional qualification may be accepted. Such cases will be considered individually by the Faculty Board of Engineering and Senate.
    Graduation Requirement
    Grading System and Requirements for Graduation

    Continuous Assignment
    There shall be at lest two continuous assessment tests per course per semester whose aggregate scores shall form between 40% and 60% of the total marks allowed for the course.

    Minimum Pass Mark
    There shall be a minimum pass mark of 45% in all courses. Grade points (GP)
    % Grades GP
    70–100 A 5
    60–69 B 4
    50–59 C 3
    45–49 D 2
    0–44 F 0
    Grade Point Average (GPA) & Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
    Students are advised to contact their tutor or examination officer on how GPA and CGPA are calculated.

    Degree classification

    Degree CGPA
    First class 4.50–5.00
    Second Class (Upper Division) 3.50–4.49
    Second Class (Lower Division) 2.40–3.49
    Third Class 1.50–2.39
    Fail 0.00–1.49

    100 Level Courses

    First Semester

    Students must offer a minimum total of 37 credit units at 100 Level comprising the following: 19 credit units of core and cognate courses in the First Semester and 18 credit units of core and cognate courses in the Second Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEM 101Introduction to general chemistry2
    CHEM 121Introduction to inorganic chemistry2
    CHEM 161Introduction to practical chemistry I1
    COSC 101Programming in Basics2
    ENGG 101Introduction to Engineering1
    GENS 101Nationalism1
    GENS 103English for communication skills2
    GENS 107History of Scientific Ideas1
    MATH 101Set Theory and Number System2
    MATH 103Trigonometry and Number system2
    MATH 105Differential and integral calculus2
    PHYS 111Mechanics2
    PHYS 131Heat and Properties of matter2
    PHYS 161General Physics practical I
    100 Level Second Semester Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEM 122Introduction to physical chemistry II2
    CHEM 132Introduction to inorganic chemistry1
    CHEM 162Introduction to practical chemistry II1
    GENS 102Environmental Health2
    MATH 102Algebra2
    MATH 104Conic sections and Application of calculus2
    MATH 106Vectors and Dynamics2
    PHYS 122Electricity, Modular and Magnetic Physics2
    PHYS 162General Physics practical II1
    STAT 102Introduction to statistics2
    100 Level Elective Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    GENS 104History of Scientific Ideas1

    200 Level

    First Semester

    Students must register 41 credit unit

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    ARCH 101Graphic Communications I1
    CVEN 201Introduction to structural Analysis2
    EEEN 203Electrical Machines, Power and Installation2
    GENS 201Moral Philosophy1
    MATH 241Calculus I2
    MATH 243Methods of Linear Algebra2
    MEEN 201Engineering Graphics2
    MTEN 201Material Science 2
    URPL 205Urban Land Use Components1
    WREN 201Fluid Mechanics2
    200 Level Second Semester Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEM 202Introduction to Engineering Management1
    EEEN 202Engineering Drawing2
    GENS 202Entrepreneurship and Innovation1
    MATH 242Calculus II3
    MATH 244Methods of Linear Algebra II2
    MEEN 202Engineering Drawing2
    MEEN 204Strength of Materials I2
    MEEN 206Fundamentals of Dynamics2
    MEEN 208Thermodynamics2

    300 Level

    First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEN 301Physical Transport Phenomena I3
    MATH 341Differential Equations and Transforms2
    CHEN 303Chem. Eng. Thermodynamics I3
    CHEN 305Chemical Reaction Engineering I3
    CHEN 307Atomic Spectra & Structure2
    CHEN 309Chemical Programming for Chemical Engineers3
    CHEN 311Technical Report Writing1
    CHEM 341Analytical Methods2
    300 Level Second Semester Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEN 302Physical Transport Phenomena II3
    CHEN 304BExperimental Process Engineering I3
    CHEN 306Chemical Eng. Materials3
    CHEN 308Unit Operations I3
    CHEN 310Chemical Engineering Thermo II3
    CHEN 311Chemical Applications for Chemical Engineers2
    MATH 342Functions of Several Variables2
    MATH 341 Differential Equation & Transfor.2

    400 Level Courses

    First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEN 401Unit Operations II3
    CHEN 403Unit Operations III3
    CHEN 405Experimental Process Eng. II2
    CHEN 407Chemical Reaction Engineering II3
    CHEN 409 Financial Management2
    CHEN 411 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering3
    QTYS 421Law for Engineers1
    400 Level Second Semester Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    SIWES 499Students Industrial Works Experience Scheme II (SIWES II) 15
    CHEN 499Industrial Project3

    500 Level

    First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEN 501Chemical Reaction Engineering III3
    CHEN 503Process Modeling, Simulation and Scale up3
    CHEN 505Chemical Process Technology3
    CHEN 531Design Project I3
    CHEN 597Research Project I3
    500 Level Second Semester Courses
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    CHEN 502Intro. to Process Dynamics and Control3
    CHEN 504 Environmental Pollution & Control2
    CHEN 514Production Management and Entrepreneurship3
    CHEN 532Design Project II3
    CHEN 598 Research Project II2

    Electives 500 Level First Semester

    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    AGEN 521Proc. & Storage of Agric. Products2
    BCHM 415 Introductory Genetic Eng.1
    BCHM 211Chem. of Amino Acids & Proteins2
    BIOL 113Invertebrate/Vertebrate2
    BIOL 315 Molecular Biology2
    CHEM 213Nuclear Chemistry2
    CHEM 361 3rd Year Chemistry Practical I2
    CHEN 507Polymer Science & Technology3
    CHEN 509Biochemical Engineering3
    CHEN 515 Petroleum Technology I2
    COSC 407Data Base Management3
    COSC 405 Cobol Programming3
    MICR 281Introduction to Microbiology2
    MATH 441Complex Analysis2
    PHYS 323 Electronics2
    PHYS 309Energy and Environment3
    HPHY 201 Introductory Physiology2
    CHEM 433Chemistry of Industrial Raw Material2
    MICR 483Industrial Microbiology3
    ECON 101 Principles of Economics I3
    Electives 500 Level Second Semester
    Course Code Course Title Credit Units
    BCHM 212Chem. of Carb, Lip & Nucl. Acids2
    BIOL 212 BCHM 3241
    CHEM316Mol. Structure & the Prop. of Solids1
    CHEM 334Organic Reaction and Mechanisms2
    CHEM 362 3Rd Year Chemistry Practical II2
    CHEN 510Sugar Technology3
    CHEN 516 Petroleum Technology II3
    GEOL 102 Introductory Mineralogy & Petro.1
    GEOL 106Introductory Paleontology & Stra.1
    MICR 282 General Physiology2
    STAT 304Design of Experiments3
    STAT 414 Industrial Quality Control2
    ZOOL 334Comparative Animal Physiology2
    BCHM 324Food Biochemistry1