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  • Department of Metallurgical & Material Engineering

    Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria

Department of Metallurgical & Material Engineering

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria


Ahmadu Bello University has been in the fore front of the development of Engineering and Technological needs of the country. Apart from the fact that it has the oldest faculty of Engineering in the country, it has always looked ahead and planned for the future needs of the Nation. The idea of establishing a Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in Ahmadu Bello University dated as far back as 1965, when a concept plan was drawn up for establishing the Department, and a tentative approval was given by the then senate of the University. However, the plan was shelved in favour of the creation/development of other programmes, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, due to the dearth of Doctors and Pharmacists in the then Northern Nigeria. Staff training geared towards establishment of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering started in the 1970/71 academic session. In October 1977, Metallurgical Engineering started as a division in the Department of Mechanical Engineering after formal approvals of the faculty board and the senate. In October 1980, Metallurgical Engineering became a full-fledged/independent Department in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; the first set of the degree programme graduated in 1981. In the quest for meeting up with the ever increasing technological challenges, the Department was formally upgraded, in October 2008, to award degrees in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. This was after satisfying all necessary conditions stipulated by the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), the Ahmadu Bello University senate and the faculty board of Engineering. Effective from 2008/2009 academic session, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering came into being. Under this new regime, relevant courses leading to the award of Bachelors of Engineering Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, B.Eng.(Met. and Mats.), are offered. Postgraduate programmes leading to the awards of M.Sc./Ph.D degrees in three areas of specialization-Process, Physical, Materials and Mechanical-are also being offered.

To produce Metallurgical and Materials Engineering graduates of high intellectual standing, this will help in meeting the technological aspiration of Nigeria.

To be a force to reckon with in the provision of quality Metallurgical and Materials Engineers that will effectively cater for the man power requirements of the steel and allied industries.

The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, in its quest to be a leading player, has set the following strategic goals:

  1. Imparting knowledge through high quality teaching/research.
  2. Development of world class infrastructure, laboratories/workshop and other vital equipment.
  3. Community services and Outreach.
  4. Resource mobilization, sustainability and wealth creation.
  5. Creating a Department of Corrosion Science and Engineering.

To produce the needed manpower for the various metallurgical and other allied industries nationwide, the Department has established general academic requirements which shall apply to all students working towards a first degree. These requirements reflect the Departments commitment to a broad-based quality education. The main components of undergraduate programme are: Article 4 of its 1962 and 1975 Laws are:

  1. Core curriculum in which students concentrate on their studies and receive B.Eng. degree.
  2. Electives which permit students to take courses of their choice in consultation with their academic advisers (up to a maximum of 8 C.U. throughout the student's residency).
  3. General studies courses which acquaint students with the foundation of general education in the sciences, social sciences and humanities as well as inculcating, in the undergraduate student, the essence of nationalism and morality.
  4. The Department offers Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering i.e. B.Eng. (Metallurgical & Materials)

    The Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MMEN) programme emphasizes the structure, properties, processing and performance of materials and develop graduates who:

  1. Have a broad- based knowledge on materials.
  2. Can apply fundamental metallurgical and materials concepts to solve problems.
  3. Can acquire written and oral communication skills as well as team work skills to be successful in their careers.
  4. Understand the importance for self-acquisition of knowledge and continuing education.
  5. Can employ their breadth of knowledge so that they are able to provide a range of solutions to a wide range of materials engineering problems and ultimately an optimal choice. .